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Page history last edited by joshuag 11 years, 8 months ago



Who were the impressionists?

     Why did they paint the way they did?

          How were they received in the art world?


These are some of the questions you will answer as you create this project.  First, you will choose an impressionist artist from the list and then you will put your information on the page for that artist.  Once you have enough information, you will use that to create a presentation to tell us about your artist.


As you find information, you should include pictures of your impressionist's paintings.  PLEASE be sure to label it with the name of the painting and the artist so that if someone wants to use it they can have the proper information.


You may choose from the artists below.


 Jean-Frédéric Bazille

 Gustave Caillebotte

Paul Cézanne

 Edgar Dégas 


   Armand Guillaumin

Edouard Manet

 Claude Monet    

 Berthe Morisot

 Camille Pissarro

 Pierre-Auguste Renoir

 Alfred Sisley




The only websites you may use are on the right side of this page.








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