Gustave Caillebotte
1873 caillebotte inherits fathers fortune so he is financially set (marshall g)
Gustave lived from August 19 1848 thru February 21st 1894 (marshall g)
Generous person and his work was forgotten until recently (marshal g)
In 1875, he wanted to show his work to the public as a painter, he submitted a painting to the Official Salon which was denied. (marshall g)
Caillebotte was generous and wealthy (marshall g)
Gustave's most famous piece of work was "Paris Street: Rainy Day" (Patrick G)
Caillebotte's Impressionist friends bought his paintings for alot of money. (Patrick G)
"Boating Party" (Patrick G)
"Boat at Anchor on the Seine" (Patrick G)
Gustave was a yatch racer, he had speed to improve his boats. (Patrick G)
He had a concern for realistic paintings. (Patrick G)
The floor scrapers
Gustave Caillebotte
(Kenneth R)
Born: August 19 1848
Died: Febuary 21 1894
(Kenneth r)
Boat House In Argenteuil
(Kenneth R)
A traffic island boulevard haussmann (TimD)
Callibotte was a former student at Fine Arts School of Paris with Edgar Degasand met Léon Bonnat, Pierre Auguste Renoir,and Claude Monnet in 1874 (Patrick G)
They helped him do the first art exhibition in Paris also in the same year. (Patrick G)
born in a rich family who made their living off of textiles industry then in real estate buisness (marshall G)
A balcony (TimD)
Gustave had been born on August 19, 1848 in Paris, France and had died on February 21, 1894 Paris, France. (TimD)
Caillebotte painted 500 works in a style more realistic than his Impressionist friends. (Kenneth r)
In 1896, the French State authorized the National Museums to select some paintings of Caillebotte's legacy which might be on display in the Musee du Luxembourg. (Kenneth R)
self portrait with the palette
(Kenneth R)
Bateau Ancre a argenteul (Marshall G)
regates a argenteuil (marshall G)
Fruit displayed on a stand 1882 (TimD)
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